Tips to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are the thoughts and conviction that act as our glass ceiling. They define what we can accomplish and achieve and their very structure brings us up short of our potential. We all deal with limiting beliefs at some point in our life and if you’re struggling with them now, we’ll offer you some very valuable tips to eliminate your limiting beliefs.

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Some of the most common limiting beliefs people have start with ‘I can’t’ or words like ‘never.’ Often the limiting beliefs and language people use is a reflection of fear and uncertainty in our lives. We will say words like ‘I can’t’ but what we are really saying is, I am too afraid of what is on the other side of this to actually (insert action).

THE 6 METHODS TO MAKE SURE IT'S YOUR COMPETITION FAILING AND NOT YOUIn our most recent podcast we discussed addressing fear. Fear and limiting beliefs go hand in hand. If you’re like many of our members of The Entrepreneur Mastery Lab community, you’re probably not afraid to admit that you deal with fear and your own limiting beliefs from time to time. To listen to our podcast you can check it out here! To join our awesome community of rockstars like yourself, request access here! Best of all, they are both free!

Now, for what you have been waiting for…
Here are some easy ways to eliminate limiting beliefs so you can help rise to mastery in whatever you choose to do!

Figure out where they come from

Most limiting beliefs are the result of an experience we have in our lives. It’s not unusual for negative experience to begin to define our belief systems and create a whole bunch of BS! If you’re struggling with a limiting belief, try to find out the root cause of the belief. There’s a lot of band aids we can use to help cope with limiting beliefs, and that’s ok, but we’re talking about attacking and eliminating these beliefs, not managing to them!

Once you’ve identified the root cause, review the experience

It’s been said that our experiences are a reflection of how we interpret what’s going on around us, not what is really happening. To stay on the safe side of the Doc and psychology buffs around the world I’m not going to stray too far out of my lane here. I do feel it’s safe to say that often our interpretation of something that happens is unique to us and we have a choice in how we interpret, react and respond to our experiences. If you can identify a root cause for an experience, congratulations! You now have the power to step away from your original interpretation of the experience and decide if there are other equally as, or more valid than your existing interpretation. And if you can do that, you’ll end up eliminating your limiting belief.

Become a pessimist

No, I don’t really want you to become a pessimist, but I do want you to consider what the absolute worst case scenario around your limiting belief is. What happens if I….(fill in the blanks). Our worst-case scenarios when we play them out aren’t nearly as bad as we build them up to be. By thoughtfully considering what the consequences of stepping beyond our limiting beliefs could be we can better examine whether these are as ‘bad’ as we originally gave them credit for. Once you have identified the worst-case scenario, then the fun starts and you can consider the best case scenario! The perspective should help break you free of some of your limiting beliefs and what’s holding you back from truly rising to mastery in your life!

If you’re working on limiting beliefs and want to master your own belief systems even more, we can help. Our unique 2 on 1 coaching marries the expertise of a Doctor of Psychology and mindset coach with the business savvy of a former Fortune 50 external regional sales manager. We specialize in helping entrepreneurs and professionals like you master your time, sales, and confidence, to evolve you to your greatest potential. To learn more about our coaching you can contact us here!

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Not enough time in the day, we get it. Check out our AYOP course, 2x Your Time, right here. We walk through everything from time management and calendar basics to how you can supercharge your days weeks and months through practices and techniques that are grounded in experience and proven by science

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