
It’s a Total SOP Story
Control issues are normal for business owners. If you own a business, you have probably dealt with control issues personally. Wisdom would suggest that as an owner, you need to

How to Keep Going When You Don’t Feel Like It
The struggle is real. Sooner or later it will happen. You’ll wake up and the idea of getting started isn’t exciting, it’s downright uncomfortable. Realistically, it’s normal to face days

Do Masterminds Work?
Masterminds, the secret weapon you need to be more successful in business or just a waste of time, energy and money? For many business owners there is a serious question

The Self-Awareness Spectrum Turning Vulnerability into Strength
“‘Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” CG Jung Self awareness has been described as

Top Business Owner Mistakes With Serious Consequences and How to Avoid Them!
Running and operating a business comes with its fair share of ups and downs. Owners today have so much on their plates that it’s not uncommon for mistakes to happen.

The Owner’s Journey
Business owners work through many stages during the time they run a business. For the most successful owners, they’ll take a business from ideation all the way through maturation and

How putting people first leads to business growth
All businesses bloom when you’re solving a problem for other people. This is the heart of every successful business. Yet there are many instances where putting people first becomes a

Blindspots common to business owners and how to spot them
Blindspots and lack of self-awareness are real issues business owners (and everyone else too) face today. Self-awareness is a not a skill we’re deliberately taught and just because we might

Eliminate overwork by setting boundaries
Overwork is pervasive and often ignored for the sake of achieving our business goals as owners. It’s incumbent upon us to recognize overwork and minimize it. If we fail to,

Signs that isolation is impacting your business
Isolation for business owners means constantly carrying the weight of making the most important decisions for your business. It means decision making without outside perspective and input and it means