How To Acquire More Skills

How To Acquire More Skills

Acquiring new skills is essential for long term business success. As the world globalizes and business evolves it is of utmost importance for us to continue to learn new skills if we’re going to stay ahead of the competition. This can include skills like learning new technology, basic communication skills and even technical expertise in different subject matter. But we often get asked what the best ways are to learn new skills, and, in our blog, we explore some simple ways on how you can acquire more skills.

If you don’t know what skills to focus on, we have a free gift that you may be interested in!

We put together a FREE guide identifying the Top 6 reasons businesses fail and give you actionable steps you can take on every one of these to make sure it’s your competition failing and not you! It’s our free gift to you.

Attend Conferences and Workshops

Yes, you can find almost anything on YouTube, Reddit and Quora today. However, skill development is much easier when you have an ordered way to learn the skill. Conferences and workshops will give you a structure and a community of other people interested in the same skills as you. They are a great way to learn new skills quickly.

Find a Mentor or Coach

Great mentors and coaches can help you learn more skills more quickly and effectively than trying to do it on your own. Mentor’s can show you how they picked up skills and the lessons they learned. Coaches can help facilitate your skill development by raising your awareness of where there are opportunities to develop new skills or strengthen existing skills.

Podcasts, Books and Courses

In a world full of resources there is no lack for ways to learn. Finding solid podcasts, books or courses from credible sources are a great way to continue to develop new skills. In a shameless plug we suggest you check out our podcast or some of our courses currently offered! You can check out our podcast here and the link to our course is at the end of the blog.

What’s the next skill you want to learn?

Did you know we work with professionals and leaders with 2 on 1 coaching that marries the expertise of a Doctor of Psychology and mindset coach with the business savvy of a former Fortune 50 sales executive. We specialize in helping entrepreneurs and professionals like you master your time, sales, and confidence, to evolve you to your greatest potential. To learn more about our coaching you can contact us here!

Feel like you need coaching but not sure you can afford the investment in yourself? That’s ok! We have a scholarship available to diverse candidates of need. You can apply for our scholarship for our coaching and our courses here.

Not enough time in the day, we get it. Check out our AYOP course, 2x Your Time, right here. We walk through everything from time management and calendar basics to how you can supercharge your days weeks and months through practices and techniques that are grounded in experience and proven by science.


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