How to be authentic without being cancelled

How to be authentic without being cancelled

Cancel culture is very real and can be very dangerous. No one is immune to the court of public opinion and everyone out there faces a risk of censorship or, worse, full on cancelling anytime they put themselves out there. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be authentic and shouldn’t voice our opinion, but there is absolutely a time and a place to be authentic. Here are 3 tips on how to be authentic without being cancelled.

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#1 Pick your battles wisely

It’s great that you want to be authentic but being authentic doesn’t mean sharing anything and everything you think and/or feel. It’s important to recognize what you really stand for and are willing to put yourself out there for. Since cancel culture is real, we you only take full on public stands on the beliefs that are most important to you.

#2 Know your audience

Having a strong opinion is almost certainly going to warm you up to certain people and turn you off to others. Make sure you know who your audience is and don’t try to speak to an audience that doesn’t share a common belief or common ground.

#3 Be empathetic

A lot of people struggle with cancel culture because they can’t empathize with someone else’s stance or opinion. If you do face scrutiny for what you said, it’s important to take time to understand why someone is feeling the way they are and to take ownership of your word choice. Perhaps what you communicated is not what you said. Not only do you need to be prepared to take ownership of that you also need to acknowledge the other view.

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