Top Business Owner Mistakes With Serious Consequences and How to Avoid Them!

Running and operating a business comes with its fair share of ups and downs. Owners today have so much on their plates that it’s not uncommon for mistakes to happen. Much of the mistakes we make in business are minor and have relatively limited consequences. Every now and then, however, we make some serious mistakes […]

Blindspots common to business owners and how to spot them

Blindspots common to business owners and how to spot them

Blindspots and lack of self-awareness are real issues business owners (and everyone else too) face today. Self-awareness is a not a skill we’re deliberately taught and just because we might consider ourselves introspective, doesn’t mean that we’re actually any good at introspection! Thus, when it comes to our blindspots just trying to be more self-reflecting […]

Eliminate overwork by setting boundaries

Overwork is pervasive and often ignored for the sake of achieving our business goals as owners. It’s incumbent upon us to recognize overwork and minimize it. If we fail to, we and our business can suffer devastating consequences. Too often we have seen examples of owners and professionals working themselves into poor health and ultimately […]

Signs that isolation is impacting your business

Isolation for business owners means constantly carrying the weight of making the most important decisions for your business. It means decision making without outside perspective and input and it means often dealing with feelings of loneliness. Isolation can have serious consequences on business owners and is an important challenge many owners need to overcome. Here are […]

Managing your emotions during the final push

Managing emotion during the final push

With the 4th quarter comes a bevy of emotional changes that we are, for the most part, incapable of avoiding. Between holidays, weather and time changes and the final push in business through the end of the year we are confronted with a confluence of potential emotional disruptors. For our businesses sake and our sanity […]

How to quickly ID distractions

It’s understandable to get distracted. Most distractions either come in the form of something incredibly urgent or in the shape of an amazing opportunity. So why wouldn’t we be drawn to something that is screaming danger or tantalizing us with its value. Yet, as is often the case, when we lose focus of our priorities […]

3 Reasons to join an Owner Advisory Board

Owners face a myriad of challenges in business today with some common challenges that impact nearly every business owner. In particular there are 3 challenges nearly every business owner faces during their business journey and the way a business owner faces these challenges has serious implications for the future viability of their business. In this […]

3 challenges that make business owners feel like they have ADHD

3 challenges that make business owners feel like they have ADHD

Nearly 5% of children and adults struggle with ADHD. While nobody knows the cause of ADHD the symptoms can range from being unable to concentrate on tasks to hasty decision making and numerous others. ADHD is a serious mental health issue that we are in no way minimizing. Our goal is to compare how business […]

The best personality traits for networking

Anyone can be a great networker. Regardless of whether you consider yourself an outgoing person or not, oftentimes the most effective people at networking aren’t natural extroverts or anything along those lines. Instead the best networkers show up at events with specific personality traits that they emphasize for the occasion. In this blog we’ll discuss […]

3 Clever ways to communicate value and drive more sales

3 Clever ways to communicate value and drive more sales

If sales is the heartbeat of every business then communicating value must be the heart itself. If we fail to communicate our value we’ll struggle to ever get our businesses off the ground or to grow them to the levels that we desire. Communicating value is an absolutely critical skill for business success. In this […]