Entrepreneur Mastery Lab - Askfirmation

Affirmations or Ask-firmations how to make affirmations better

Popularized back in the ‘60s affirmations are something TONS of coaches, influencers and even psychologists will recommend their clients practice regularly. There’s science to back up the effectiveness of affirmations, too! After 60 years it’s worth asking, can we make affirmations better and the answer is, yes! Instead of a practice of affirmations, a practice

Entrepreneur Mastery Lab - Finding and developing context in your conversations

Finding and developing context in your conversations AND Asking the right questions

Finding and developing context in your conversations is at the heart of the biggest riddle anyone in sales can face….what are the right questions to ask? Asking good questions is an art form. Speak to any master salesperson and in today’s world, it’s not about slick talk, it’s about meaningful questions. Ask someone a meaningful