Blindspots common to business owners and how to spot them

Blindspots common to business owners and how to spot them

Blindspots and lack of self-awareness are real issues business owners (and everyone else too) face today. Self-awareness is a not a skill we’re deliberately taught and just because we might consider ourselves introspective, doesn’t mean that we’re actually any good at introspection! Thus, when it comes to our blindspots just trying to be more self-reflecting

Signs that isolation is impacting your business

Isolation for business owners means constantly carrying the weight of making the most important decisions for your business. It means decision making without outside perspective and input and it means often dealing with feelings of loneliness. Isolation can have serious consequences on business owners and is an important challenge many owners need to overcome. Here are

3 challenges that make business owners feel like they have ADHD

3 challenges that make business owners feel like they have ADHD

Nearly 5% of children and adults struggle with ADHD. While nobody knows the cause of ADHD the symptoms can range from being unable to concentrate on tasks to hasty decision making and numerous others. ADHD is a serious mental health issue that we are in no way minimizing. Our goal is to compare how business

From Reactive to Proactive: Cultivating Intention

From Reactive to Proactive: Cultivating Intention

Acting with intention is extremely important to professionals and leaders and there are tremendous benefits that derive from being intentional. Intention comes with better decision making and discernment of opportunities, enhanced productivity, and improved focus. On the flip side, when we start to act without intention, we end up struggling with challenges like being reactive

Cultivating Executive Presence – A Guide for Executives and Professionals

Cultivating Executive Presence – A Guide for Executives and Professionals

Leadership is a skill set requiring us to constantly sharpen the ax. Developing and refining the skills of leadership has a serious return on how our team, and we, perform. Within the sphere of leadership, executive presence plays an important role of how we handle challenges and how people perceive us. In our blog we’ll

The Role of Passion in Business

The Role of Passion in Business

What if we said there was a trait you could have as a business owner or professional that would keep your employees more engaged, attract your ideal customers and raving fans, magnify your resiliency and level up your creativity? There is, and it’s called passion. Passion plays an important role in business today as entrepreneurs

How to Know When You’re Sacrificing Too Much

How to Know When You’re Sacrificing Too Much

We all have trade-offs occur every day. No matter what decisions we make there is a trade-off. For example, let’s say we choose to wake up early to get a strong start to the week. We are accepting that our sleep will be impacted to have more time in the day. Some sacrifices we make

How to Know When To Make Changes

Our lives are dynamic and constantly evolving. So are our businesses. At times, change comes to us and at other times we need to make the changes ourselves. So how do we know when to make changes? In this week’s blog we discuss some signs that will help you know when it’s time to make

Entrepreneur Mastery Lab

3 Reasons to Use Acting in Business

We hear a lot about authenticity, and we are big believers in being yourself. However, there are instances where we need to act, or play a role in our business to be successful. That is not just, ok, we should embrace it! Here are 3 great reasons to use acting in business! Reason 1: You